Phenoptics Seminar by AKOYA Biosciences – February 24th, 2021

We are please to host a seminar by Akoya Biosciences presented by Clemens Duerrschmid. Please join us to learn more about how Phenoptics applications can be of service to your research!

Phenoptics Automated Quantitative Pathology

Single cell resolution with trainable machine learning algorithms:
Recent advances in cancer cell-to-cell biology

Characterizing the complexities of the tissue micro environment is a critical element in understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving disease as well as therapeutic responses. The Vectra Polaris is a world class digital pathology slide whole scanner system that can accurately detect and measure weakly expressed and overlapping biomarkers within a single H&E, IHC or multiplex IF tissue section or TMA.


Clemens Duerrschmid, PhD
Technical Applications Scientist, Akoya Biosciences

Clemens received his Doctoral Degree from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). During his studies, he joined the Entmanlab at Baylor College of Medicine where he studied the M1/M2 balance in chronic heart disease. He joined Akoya in 2020 following a postdoctoral fellowship at Case Western Reserve University.


  • Introduction
  • Multiplex Spatial Biology
  • Phenoptics Applications
    • Multispectral IHC and IF
    • Multi-omics studies
    • Co-detection of RNA Scope and Protein
    • Autofluorescence separation
  • Quantitative pathology image analysis
  • Q&A

Date & Time:

Wednesday, February 24th, 12-1pm EST


CLICK HERE for the Zoom meeting
Need a calendar invite? Please contact Scott Olenych,

Hosted by:

UF Department of Pathology, Immunology and Lab Medicine, Molecular Pathology Core,