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Olympus VS200 Brightfield&Fluorescence Scanner Installed November 2023

The Olympus VS200 slide scanner was obtained through an NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant and has been installed in D11-35.  Assisted scanning will be performed by MPC staff and charged on a per-slide cost basis. Unassisted use can be performed following training. The VS200 produces fast scans at 20x or 40x…

Phenoptics Seminar by AKOYA Biosciences – February 24th, 2021

We are please to host a seminar by Akoya Biosciences presented by Clemens Duerrschmid. Please join us to learn more about how Phenoptics applications can be of service to your research! Phenoptics Automated Quantitative Pathology Single cell resolution with trainable machine learning algorithms: Recent advances in…