
Our mission is to improve human and animal health by accelerating research using histology and light microscopy procedures.

The Molecular Pathology Core (MPC) has been in continuous operations since January 1, 2001, and is based in the Experimental Pathology Division of the Department of Pathology, Immunology, and Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Florida.

The MPC is a comprehensive histology and light microscopy facility for paraffin and frozen blocks and provides all aspects of sample preparation, fixation, embedding, sectioning, staining, and imaging. Consultations, technical assistance, and training are also provided. Standard operating procedures are compliant with good laboratory and clinical processes. Major equipment undergoes annual preventative maintenance services provided by vendor-approved service representatives.


  • Free users’ supplies including NBF fixative in specimen cups and tissue cassettes (biopsy, regular, large)
  • Cryoprotection, embedding (OCT, CMC) and sectioning frozen blocks by cryostat
  • Embedding and sectioning fixed paraffin blocks
  • Histology staining both routine (H&E) and specialized (Trichrome, PAS/PASD, others)
  • Immunolocalization of proteins or RNA
  • DNase/RNase free sample cutting
  • Whole slide scanning by brightfield or fluorescence microscopy
  • Tissue microarray (TMA) construction, sectioning, and staining
  • Laser microdissection microscopy
  • Nanostring GeoMx digital spatial profiling for proteins and whole transcriptome analyses
  • Nanostring nCounter assays
  • Shared rental equipment: cryostats, microtomes, vibratomes, microscopes (brightfield and fluorescent), whole slide scanner, and image analysis workstations


Please remember to acknowledge the MPC: [insert services or equipment used} were provided and/or image processing and analysis for this manuscript was performed in the University of Florida Molecular Pathology Core (MPC), RRID:SCR_016601. 

For those using the Leica 7000 LMD microscope, please include the following: The LEICA 7000 laser microdissection microscope was purchased with a shared instrumentation grant from the Office of the Director at the National Institutes of Health (S10OD016350).

For those using the Olympus VS200 slide scanner, please include the following: The Olympus VS200 was purchased with a shared instrumentation grant from the Office of the Director at the National Institutes of Health (S10OD032236).